August 12, 2019 Manish Hirapara

Be That Voice in Your Customers’ Heads

How to Brace Yourself for the Voice SEO Revolution

Voice AI assistants are rapidly colonizing consumers’ homes. Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant has infiltrated its way into over 60,000 different gadgets, from your smart speakers to your car. Over forty percent of adults say they use voice search every single day, a prime opportunity for you to market your brand.

Marketing to all these people with all these AI voice options might seem a little tricky. The search results on your Alexa sound a little different from what you might find on regular ol’ Google. But, optimizing your marketing plan for voice search can be critical to your SEO (search engine optimization) success.

Be the answer to every question

Voice search smart assistants Siri, Alexa, and Cortana are making us rethink how we should manage our SEO strategy.

Consider a consumer who asks, “Alexa, is rice gluten-free?” Now, imagine you are a company that has recently developed a gluten-free rice product. You can already see the intent to buy, so all you have to do is put yourself on the other end of that question.

The same question in a text search would probably come up with a list of gluten-free rice brands and brand comparisons. You already know how to set your SEO for text. But the customer asking that question using voice search probably expects a response merely telling them yes or no and suggesting one brand and one price.

The SEO strategy to become that one company listed comes down to how well your content answers direct questions. Voice SEO categorizes by most popular, through continuous testing of conversion rates. Think of it as a constant race to win that one buyer.

Another aspect of voice SEO you may not have taken into account is tone. The tone of voice search is more natural and conversational. This means that your business, your website, and your content should also sound more like that.

It’s like shopping, but without the shopping

Beyond simply marketing your brand, consumers are starting to use voice search to actually purchase your products.

Right now, the options a customer has on a smart speaker consist mostly of hearing what the cart contains and adding and removing products. Walmart recently partnered with Google Assistant to introduce Walmart Voice Order.

So a consumer could order copious amounts of gluten-free rice without ever knowing about your brand. When they order the rice, they probably won’t hear options for a brand or anything else. The assistant simply provides you a “best match” product and brand based on previous purchase habits or recommended items.

So how can you become that “best match” brand? The answer is again voice SEO. Your SEO should adapt to create content that answers the direct search. It’s a winner-take-all game. Once a user has purchased your product, it will begin to populate their recent searches and product recommendations so the likelihood of repeat buys is increased.


Voice SEO should definitely be up your sleeve as part of your marketing bag of tricks. Voice AI is not going away anytime soon as more and more people embrace this technology. Voice search acts as a medium of instant answers and instant eCommerce, so if you’re going to optimize for voice, make sure exact matching is one of your SEO priorities. Take into account your speed and your tone. Users want direct, specific answers and they want them fast.

PeakActivity works hard to create future-proof eCommerce solutions. Voice SEO is the future of commerce and we’re on it. If your customers could benefit from finding you by voice search, we can help you out with that. eCommerce is moving to voice and you need to move with it. Check out our website for more information.

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